About Us
- Genesis
Founded in 2013 by Joel Alain Tsemo Kamga, covoiturage.cm is a site, concerned with travelling free of charge through Cameroon and Africa, having the statut of a S.A.R.L company. Its aim is to modernize and secure the already existing system of soliciting passengers, taking place in many African countries, notably in Cameroon.
- Aims
Our first aim is to facilitate the daily life of Passagers by making available to them a platform where they could without much efforts find other people with whom to share their journey. This would make the Driver reduce the cost of his journey and at the same time, giving the opportunity to the Passenger to travel comfortably at a far more lower cost than that offered by many of the travelling agencies. And also, this system of travelling facilitates the fluidity of the traffic and consequently decreasing the environmental pollution.
- Services
covoiturage.cm offers the possibility to any Driver or Passenger, wishing to share their journey with other persons in the same vehicule, to register free of charge and even making useful announcements free of charge as many announcements as possible. For example; if you want to offer available chances in your private car for a journey from Douala to Yaoundé, just register FREE OF CHARGE in less than one minute, mentioning your journey. You will then be contacted by Passengers who are interested by your journey. If you are not yet registered, do it now!. We also give facilities to people to find without any pre-registration Rides through Cameroon and Africa as a whole.
- Contact
To contact us, please complete the online form by clicking on Contact Us, or contact us by phone from the following numbers:
- (00237) 651 45 44 44
- (00237) 696 81 83 84