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Conditions of Use

Rules and regulations of covoiturage.cm

I – General regulations for usage

  • The https://www.covoiturage.cm is not mint for professional or commercial use without a written authorisation by the crew of covoiturage. In other words, the site is for private car owners who would like to share their journey with other people, in order to minimise the cost of the fuel. Any travelling agency wishing to advertise the journey on this site, must receive a written authorisation from the crew of the covoiturage.cm.
  • the insertion and publication of journeys are free of charge.

  • A journey can be proposed either by a Driver or a Passenger.

  • We call here « Driver », any private car owner who offers on the site, free changes in his car to other people who wish to share the journey with him.

  • « Passenger » too just means anyone who announces his journey on the site in order to find a driver with whom to make his or her journey.

  • « Announcer » means any driver or passenger who inserts a journey on the site.

  • « Site » means the site https://www.covoiturage.cm.

  • « Journey » means a service operation with many others parameters namely : the the town from and the town to, date and the hour of the journey, the amount to pay by any passenger, etc.

  • Any journey to be announced must be approved by the crew of covoiturage.cm before being online. In other words, a journey inserted on our site should not be taken for granted and can be rejected if the conditions are not fulfilled.

  • The meeting place for departure is fixed with the Driver and the Passenger once they are in contact. In case the place to meet would seem suspicious to either party, please contact us without delay or simply give up the journey because covoiturage.cm is not accountable for any malpractice between the Driver and the Passenger.
  • We would like to have a fitback of your journey, either by the Driver or the Passenger(s) either by mail or by phone, so that, we can be able to improve on the functionning of the site.
  • covoiturage.cm offers free of charge on its site a service where by a Driver and a Passenger can take an appointment to put in place the conditions and modalities of their journey (the size of the luggage, the possibility or not to smoke on bord, the admission pf animals such as cats or dogs) so that both parties can assume the possible set-backs. For instance, the last minute cancellation of the journey, the modification or the non payment of the transport fare. Covoiturage.cm is not by any means accountable for such transaction.
  • The Driver must make sure that all his/her particulars are up to date. Namely : his/her driving licence, an insurance card for the vehicle.
  • In a case of a service car, the Driver must ensure that the car insurance allows him/her to carry passengers, and consequently that this insurance would cover all the persons on bord and the enventual risks that can occur during the journey.


II – Processing personal data for users

  • Any usage by covoiturage.cm of personal data for users would take place only after a mutual agreement between the user and covoiturage.cm
  • Your consent to use your personal data for commercial purpose could be required by us throught a space to tick on the document.


III – Interruption or suspension of service

In case to above conditions are not respected, any access to our service or to our site will be interrupted without any further notice by covoiturage.cm.

IV – Responsibilities

Carpooling is an agreement exclusively between a Driver and his/her Passengers. With this regard, covoiturage.cm is not by any means accountable for the effectiveness of the journey. We merely act as facilitators to put in contact both parties and by no mean are responsible for what so ever. Consequently :

  •  Wrong informations about the modalities of the journey,
  •  Last minute cacellation by either party,
  •  The transport fare,
  •  The unacceptable behaviour of either party, before, during or after the journey would not by any means engage our own responsibility.

The sole responsibility of covoiturage.cm is to make the site available, and offer 7 days and 24 hours service and eventually inform our users about a momental interruption for one reason or the other. covoiturage.cm commits to take all possible measures to limit any sort of disturbancy on the site.

The service offered by our site, being free of charge, covoiturage.cm is not by any means accountable to its users for any interruption or suspension of the site or of the service or for any direct or indirect prejudice suffered by any user. The Drivers all alone determine the fare attached to the announcement of the journey.

V – Proprietorship or Copyright

  • The site https://www.covoiturage.cm is the sole proprietorship of its owner JOEL ALAIN TSEMO KAMGA. Consequently any partial or total reproduction must require a written authorisation by covoiturage.cm.
  • So, abstain from any partial or total reproduction otherwise you will hear from my solicitor.


VI – Good behaviour charter

  •   Good behaviour

Any User of https://www.covoiturage.cm must abide to the present charter because, good behaviour is the main aim of our site. Our principal aim is to cultivate fellowship between people.

  •  The way through

Any announcer (Driver or Passenger) must make sure that, all information concerning the journey are genuine : (the way through : the town from and to, the exact hour or departure, the fare per Passenger etc.) Covoiturage.cm is by no mean accountable for these details. In case of the cancellation of the journey, each party must inform the other at least 24 hours before the departure time.

  • Safety and Security

Every Driver must be committed to take no risk while driving, to respect all the road signs through out the journey. Every Driver must be ready to present to his/her passengers his/her documents if asked to do so, without any useless argument.

  •  The transport fare

Passenger(s) partake to the transport fare according to the amount that was announced on the site of covoiturage.cm. The fare is paid at the destination, not before or during the journey.

  •  Punctuality

The hour and place of departure proposed and accepted by both Driver and Passengers must be respected by all. 30 minutes after the departing hour the Driver can decide to go without the late comer.

***************** End of Terms of Use *****************

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